
Following up on this, there’s also an intermediate approach if you use the react-hook-form library which is based on uncontrolled components, but does require state (being an island) due to its useForm() hook helper. So in this sense, we could say there’s 3 approaches to forms: uncontrolled -> uncontrolled+state -> stateful. As Marvin says, I agree that one should always start with uncontrolled forms using only HTML. However, there might be cases when you need a bit more control, and that’s where the middleground (uncontrolled+state) with a library like react-hook-form might come into play. For example, in my case, I needed to use PATCH/PUT to interact with my RESTful API and the native HTML <form> element only supports GET/POST, so I had to had an onSubmit handler (in an island), in which case you might as well use the react-hook-form wrapper which provides some nice features while keeping things uncontrolled👍.

In general, forms have been sort of a pain to deal with (primarily since <form> does not support all HTTP methods (for REST APIs), this lead to me prototyping an isomorphic <FormFetch /> component (check out the gist), it’s not an island, since client-side code is inlined in a <script> tag) which augments the HTML-native <form> to allow e.g.

<FormFetch id="users.patch" action={`/api/users/${}`} method="patch">

by preventing the form’s default submit event handler, and making a fetch request instead (thus no dependencies.

This worked marvelously. @marvinh. would a built-in component like this e.g. <Form /> (similar to e.g. <Head >) be interesting for fresh? This could be used as a component, no need to place it within an island, so ergonomics are I think great, and it relies only on HTML/Web APIs… In general, this could complement the incoming partials-based improvements for forms in fresh

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