AutoHotkey combines 3 concepts into 1 built in basic object type
AutoHotkey combines 3 concepts into 1 built-in basic object type:
- linear arrays (e.g. obj[1] := “value”) (AKA list/vector)
- associative arrays (e.g. obj[“key”] := “value”) (AKA dictionary/map)
- default class (custom/built-in, keys/value properties/dynamic properties/methods, can be added/modified/removed, to give custom classes)
E.g. some ways to create an AHK basic object.
Note: an AHK basic object does not have base object.
;in each case obj is a basic object, and identical:
obj := ["a", "b", "c"]
obj := Array("a", "b", "c")
obj := {1:"a", 2:"b", 3:"c"}
obj := Object(1,"a", 2,"b", 3,"c")
obj := StrSplit("a,b,c", ",")
;here, MyClass is also a basic object:
class MyClass
MsgBox, % IsObject(ObjGetBase(obj)) ;0
MsgBox, % IsObject(ObjGetBase(MyClass)) ;0
;note: an instance of MyClass is *not* a basic object:
obj2 := new MyClass
MsgBox, % IsObject(ObjGetBase(obj2)) ;1
Nguồn:: jeeswg’s object classes tutorial - AutoHotkey Community